Criticism or dogmatism in science?

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Zbigniew Drozdowicz

Keywords : dogmatism, criticism, Plato, Aristotle, Erasmus, Descartes, Voltaire, British economy
In these remarks I consequently try to show that science was being pushed forward by criticism, and dogmatism as well. Nevertheless the fact, which did it in a better manner and in which manner was often a result of historical context. Pointing the patterns occurring within this process demands a relation to certain traditions. I recall here examples of criticism and dogmatism present in ancient, renaissance and modern traditions. As a generalization we might say, that the historical pendulum at one occasion went towards criticism and at another towards dogmatism. There were also situations when radical criticism was being accompanied by radical dogmatism. There were also situations when both approaches were very gentle in their appearance and this served science very well, and even contributed to the birth of a modern scientific discipline (here as an example may serve the emergence of economics as science).

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How to Cite
Drozdowicz, Z. (2010). Criticism or dogmatism in science?. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(2), 30–42.

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