Determinants of farmers. Decisions about production credit and UE measures: a case study for a rural area of dairy production system in Podlasie province

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Dariusz Mańkowski
Barbara Roszkowska-Mądra

Keywords : binary logistic regression, family farms, farmers. decisions about production credit and UE measures, dairy production system
The objective of the paper was to describe relationships of probability of farmers. decisions about production credit and UE measures on many cause variables characterizing different attributes of farms in a rural area of dairy production system in Podlasie province. The studied relationships were analyzed using binary logistic regression on the basis of data collected from a questionnaire sample of 124 family farms in two municipalities. Probability of farmers. decisions about UE measures in the studied area was determined mainly by human capital and agricultural production system in farms. Probability of farmers. decisions about production credit in this area was affected mostly by social and human capital as well as efficiency of agricultural production system, especially livestock production system.

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How to Cite
Mańkowski, D., & Roszkowska-Mądra, B. (2010). Determinants of farmers. Decisions about production credit and UE measures: a case study for a rural area of dairy production system in Podlasie province. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(1), 14–27.

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