The structural transformation mechanism of early retirement pension scheme for farmers

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Stanisław Paszkowski

Keywords : early retirement pensions, agrarian structure, farm transfer, transferor, transferee
The instrument of early retirement pension scheme is used to explored in Polish agricultural policy since the sixties of twenty century. Presently the legal regulations accomplish it in the set of CAP instruments. Its aim is to stimulate the structural transformation of Polish agriculture. The main purpose of the paper is to reconstruct the mechanism of structural transformation process, which stimulate the agricultural land transfer between farms within the early retirement pension scheme. The undertaken analyse shows, that the early retirement pension scheme mechanism consist of two different forms of farm land transfer; transfer to successors and to farmers who tray to enlarge its farms land sources. The first form aims in changing of farmers generation, and the second one in concentration of agricultural land in farms. But the first one also can stimulate the farm land concentration, and the second one - the improvement of labour forces. It is possible to achieve it by building in the early retirement pension scheme the generation and acreage clauses.

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How to Cite
Paszkowski, S. (2009). The structural transformation mechanism of early retirement pension scheme for farmers. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 172–181.

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