Agriculture advisory services – selected issues

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Stefania Olszewska-Kuźniarska

Keywords : agriculture advisor, agriculture extension, agriculture, economy
In the paper historical development of agriculture advisory (extension) service in Poland was presented. Additionally comparison of agriculture advisory systems solutions in selected European countries was conducted. The evolution of agriculture advisory services is strongly correlated to farmers needs and changing with changes of agriculture technologies, farm economics and rural policies. Advisors need to be highly educated not only in range of agricultural issues but they also must cope with questions concerning farm management, farm economics and economic policies. Because of widening of range of required knowledge advisors have to bring up their professional qualifications continuously and improve their advisory techniques

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How to Cite
Olszewska-Kuźniarska, S. (2009). Agriculture advisory services – selected issues. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 166–171.

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