Determinants of profitability of agricultural holdings diversified in respect of their economic size

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Dionizy Niezgoda

Keywords : profitability, M.E Porter’s five forces model, agricultural holdings, economic size of farms, income function
On the basis of contextual analysis, the paper reveals that M.E Porter’s five forces model is applicable to evaluate the profitability of agricultural sector in a simple scale. In general, the model is more useful in creating the profitability of sectors in imperfect competition as against to sectors in quasi perfect competition. The rate of profitability in the best Polish farms was relatively high and it came to 21,86% in the farms of size ?4 ESU and 39,65% in the biggest farms, i.e. the farms of size ?100 ESU. The rate of growth of the farms. profitability was positively affected by the increase of the farms. competitive potential as well as the intensification of capital for human labor substitution. The mentioned relation results from the analysis of income elasticity of the aggregated production factors, i.e. land (SE025), human labor (SE011) and capital (SE270).

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How to Cite
Niezgoda, D. (2009). Determinants of profitability of agricultural holdings diversified in respect of their economic size. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 155–165.

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