Sources of development of rural areas are to be fund in creation of new jobs

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Waldemar Michna

Keywords : development of rural areas, sources of financing, employment
The paper aims to describe the characteristics of rural areas in Poland comparing to other countries of the European Union from the perspective of creation of off farms jobs. There were described main directions (axis) of development in the perspective of the years 2007-2013 (5) with the emphasis on the sources of financing. The paper argues that the development of rural areas in Poland should cover both agricultural and off farm activities. In this context there is important development of infrastructure of rural areas, as well as creation of new jobs in small and medium enterprises providing off farm production or services.

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How to Cite
Michna, W. (2009). Sources of development of rural areas are to be fund in creation of new jobs. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 139–146.

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