Off farm enterpreneurship

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Marek Kłodziński

Keywords : rural entrepreneurship, rural economy diversification, spatial business development diversity, impact of crisis on rural companies
Rural entrepreneurs start to have a more and more important role in local development. Problems of agriculture, unemployment and poverty of many rural families, marginalization of some regions are only some unfavorable phenomena, which should be gradually overcome due to diversification of agricultural economy. Development of enterprise depends mainly on individual resourcefulness, imagination, courage, organizational skills and knowledge about running a business. Individualism is the core of its development. However we should take under account a large scale of uncertainty and fears connected with the process of establishing one’s own company, especially in rural conditions. That is why advisory help, training and funds of the European Union have become a great opportunity for those who run their own companies or would like to try to work in their own business. The problem is that rural companies much more slowly learn to take advantage of UE help than business entities in cities. Moreover the reality of rural business operations varies so much from the conditions in a city that different methods of influencing rural entrepreneurship should be applied.

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How to Cite
Kłodziński, M. (2009). Off farm enterpreneurship. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 91–98.

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