Barriers of farms growth and development in Polish macroregions

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Wojciech Józwiak
Tomasz Czekaj

Keywords : individual farm, production function
The aim of the paper is to evaluate farms growth and development barriers in four of the FADN regions of Poland. Results from analyses of profitability of material factors of production accomplished by production function analysis of individual farms conducting their accounting within the Polish FADN in the year 2006. Marginal incomes of three factors of production: labor, land and capital have been assessed. Then these marginal incomes were compare with unit costs of inputs of these factors setting their profitabilities of increasing each input (marginal profitabilities of each factors of production). Lack of profitabilities were assumed to be main barriers preventing possibilities of growth and development of farms. It was found out inter alia, that there was diversity (both regional and in terms of economic size of farms) of profitability of increasing labor and land inputs and absence of marginal profitability of capital input

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How to Cite
Józwiak, W., & Czekaj, T. (2009). Barriers of farms growth and development in Polish macroregions. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 29–40.

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