Economic aspects of organic milk production

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Henryk Runowski

Keywords : organic milk production, milk prices, incomes, profits and costs, organic farms, conventional farms
The paper aims to analyze the economic aspects of an organic milk production. There were analyzed development tendencies of organic production in the geographic picture. Also the assessment of the state of the art of the organic milk production, comparative analyzes of prices between organic and conventional milk as well as profits and costs of their producers have been done. The analysis were conducted base on the data from Bavaria, one of the regions in Germany, with the highest organic milk production in the country. The results show, that organic milk production ensures profits for the organic farms on the same or even higher level than conventional ones run in the semi-intensive way. The paper argues also that the organic milk prices are influenced by the same fluctuations then conventional, however the differences of scale is growing on the favor of organic milk and depends on the country.

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How to Cite
Runowski, H. (2009). Economic aspects of organic milk production. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(1), 36–51.

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