The state and the tendencies of changes in production of milk in the world

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Andrzej Parzonko

Keywords : milk production, milk consumption, dairy market in China and India
The aim of this article is to present the situation of the dairy market in the world (milk production, milk consumption, international exchange milk products) in the years 1985-2007. Additionally there were introduced prognoses of different organizations in range of changes on market of milk in next period. Milk production in the world was developing very dynamically. In 1985-2007 milk production increased from 508 to 676 million tone, however milk consumption per capita did not increase. Presented results suggest that milk production is lower in relation to the potential consumption. Therefore, economically efficient dairy farms in the world have still large development opportunities.

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How to Cite
Parzonko, A. (2009). The state and the tendencies of changes in production of milk in the world. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(1), 16–26.

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