Adjustment of polish food industry to the European union requirements

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Roman Urban

Keywords : food industry, European integration, domestic market, export, production, investments, structure of companies, financial results
Due to adjustment processes to the market economy Polish food industry was very well prepared to operate at the Single European Market. After the accession to the EU the production of food products as well as their sale have accelerated. It resulted from a rise in personal incomes, development of domestic food market and from high growth rate of agri-food exports. Polish food producers showed intensive investment activities, which reflected the support out of the EU funds. Finally there was a distinct improvement financial results and economic performance of the sector. The previous threats concerning mass bankruptcies of the domestic companies and a peaking up agri-food imports from the EU turned false.

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How to Cite
Urban, R. (2009). Adjustment of polish food industry to the European union requirements. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(1), 7–15.

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