How to use the balance sheet to assess the state of art and the changes of financial and economic situation of breeding companies?

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Henryk Runowski

Keywords : balance sheet, structure and dynamics of changes, financial and economic situation of companies, breeding companies
The paper aims to present the possibilities how to use the balance sheet to assess the state of art and the changes of financial and economic situation of breeding companies. There were analyzed plant and animal breeding companies owned by the Agency of Agricultural Property. There were analyzed the structure and dynamics of changes of both assets and liabilities of balance sheets in the period 1997-2007. The results could be used as a basis for comparisons for particular company with regard to whole analyzed group.

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How to Cite
Runowski, H. (2008). How to use the balance sheet to assess the state of art and the changes of financial and economic situation of breeding companies?. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(2), 7–19.

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