Searching for economics-ecological and ethical equilibrium in milk production

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Henryk Runowski

Keywords : economics-ecological and ethical equilibrium, dairy cattle raising, selection indexes, animal welfare
The paper presents the analyze that aims to define the causes of disproportion between economic, ecological and ethical goals in the process of agricultural production. It aims also to show the methods of redressing the equilibrium between these goals. The study bases on the example of dairy cattle rising. Apart of the literature study there has been used own data from research executed on the group of 256 dairy cows scraped from the heard in a company owned by the Agricultural Property Agency in the years 2001-2004. The empirical data have been gathered based on the detailed analysis of the history of life of each cow described by several economic, production and breeding indicators. The executed analysis showed that from economic point of view the optimal period of use of high productive cow is 3 lactation (in traditional agricultural such period takes minimum 5-7 years). Such short period of cows rising must bring the objection of breeders, ecologists and even consumers. In order to change this situation it is necessary to undertake actions for restoring the equilibrium between economic, ecological and ethical goals.

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How to Cite
Runowski, H. (2007). Searching for economics-ecological and ethical equilibrium in milk production. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(2), 13–26.

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