The influence of borrowings on the efficiency of production and capital at farms specializing in milk production

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Roman Sass

Keywords : borrowings, scale of production, dairy farms, production, incomes, capital efficiency, efficiency of production, investments, financial liquidity
The subject master of the studies there were farms specialized in milk production (type 411 milk cows according to the European Union’s classification, in which the influence of the level of borrowings on income of a farm and efficiency of production, assets and own capital were analyzed. Comparisons made in groups of different level of borrowings measured with a liability ratio (total borrowings to the capital expressed in%. The following groups of farms were established: up to 10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and more percent of borrowings. The conducted studies showed, that both with the increase of borrowings, and the production and incomes of examined farms increase for about 70 up to 80%. However, the increase of borrowings results in a quicker increase of efficiency of own capital than the increase of production and incomes. The efficiency of the capital in a group of farms of borrowings higher than 50% was 2,5 times higher than in a group of farms of the lowest borrowings (below 10% and amounted to 21,91%). The efficiency of the own capital in a group of farms of the lowest scale of production, considerably exceeds interest rate of bonds of long-term investments. It shows, that running farms of an appropriate scale of production is efficient and may ensure good remuneration of own work, return on the invested capital and performance bonus for taking the risk of running a farm. It also results from the studies, that the purchase of the basic and rotary stock shortly before accession to the EU was the basic direction of investing at dairy farms.

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How to Cite
Sass, R. (2006). The influence of borrowings on the efficiency of production and capital at farms specializing in milk production. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(1), 74–82.

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