The trade credit for farms in Poland. The sources, terms and role

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Alina Daniłowska

Keywords : trade credits, investments, farms
In the paper, the sources, terms and role of the trade credits for farms were analyzed. The trade credits were granted mainly by suppliers of different kind of producer inputs as well as consumer goods. Buyers of agricultural products played an important role in that area too. The non-price terms of the credits were more favorable for farms comparing with the terms of bank credits. The interest rates on trade credits were in some cases higher than interest rate on bank credits, especially very popular agricultural preferential credits. The most important role of trade credit was the in purchase of land.

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How to Cite
Daniłowska, A. (2006). The trade credit for farms in Poland. The sources, terms and role. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 92(2), 82–90.

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