Possibilities of improving the efficiency of productive factors In family farms

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Maria Kierepka

Keywords : production factors, production technologies, substitution, cost, efficiency
Using the substitution mechanism pointed was the way of improving the efficiency of production factors in family farms. In order to explain the research aim, the problem of shaping the efficiency of production technologies defined by the work factor (X2) and material expenses (X3), by the average area of arable land (X1) and the average level of global production (Y) was analyzed. The differentiation of technologies was reflected, using the isoquant equation, then subsequently calculating its costs and evaluating its efficiency. The analysis enabled us to state, that the improvement of efficiency may be achieved within the means at disposal of producers, due to the changes in level and structure of expenses of factors defining given production technology. The substitution of labor-demanding technologies to capital demanding ones caused higher than threefold growth of labor efficiency, whereas in Wielkopolska farms such a growth was almost six fold.

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How to Cite
Kierepka, M. (2006). Possibilities of improving the efficiency of productive factors In family farms. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 92(2), 35–41. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2006.92.2.21

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