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Piotr Kułyk
Mariola Michałowska

Keywords : food consumption, food, consumption trends, consumer, health, proper nutrition, lifestyle, income, food expenditure, household
The problem of consumer behavior in the food market is of interest to a variety of scientific disciplines, includ­ing sciences such as economics, psychology, sociology and management. The key issue in the decision-making process made by every person in the field of food consumption is the choice of proper nutrition, which seems difficult. The paper presents the level and the structure of food consumption in Poland as well as in individual provinces, with particular emphasis on Lubuskie voivodeship. Moreover, the causes of the change in food intake are shown. The main objective of the study is to assess the trends in food consumption in Lubuskie voivodeship against the changes in the pattern of food consumption in Poland. The study among inhabitants of the Lubuskie voivodeship shows that the majority of respondents purchase food taking economic factors into account. Among the most frequently consumed products are bakery and confectionery products, followed by products of animal origin, i.e. meat and meat products, whereas milk and dairy products are ranked third and fourth respectively. Two out of three respondents claim to consume vegetables. It should be noted that for the surveyed food safety is of paramount importance when buying food.

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How to Cite
Kułyk, P., & Michałowska, M. (2017). CONDITIONS AND TRENDS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION IN LUBUSKIE VOIVODESHIP. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 104(1), 83–94.

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