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Paweł Kraciński

Keywords : horticultural export from UE to Russia, embargo
The aim of the article was to determine which EU countries were the most vulnerable to the consequences of trade restrictions on horticultural products introduced by Russia. The largest EU exporters to the Russian Federation were Lithuania (32%) and Poland (25%). The largest share of sales to Russia in the export of horti­cultural products in 2012-2013 was registered in Lithuania (75%), Poland (24%) and Latvia (21%).

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How to Cite
Kraciński, P. (2015). EXPORT OF HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS FROM UE TO RUSSIA IN THE YEARS 2004-2013. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(4), 60–66. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2015.102.4.37

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