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Magdalena Kozera

Keywords : farm businesses, tangible and intangible resources, efficiency of resources using, the VAIC™ method
The article presents results of the study concerning the use of tangible and intangible assets in the selected Polish farm businesses. The author applied the VAIC ™ method proposed by A. Pulić to estimate the efficiency of the use of human, structural and physical capital in value added creation. The results showed the significant changes in the structure and dynamics of the Value Added Co-efficient, which oscillated around 2.5. In the studied population (N=145) the effectiveness of the human and structural capital is growing, while the effectiveness of the physical capital is decreasing. It mean that every 1PNL involved in the intangible assets results in the growth of the value added around 2.5PLN. Due to the fact that in research population growth effectiveness of human and structural capital, but decrease effectiveness of physical capital – it is allowed to assume, that each zloty engaged in intangible assets, rise its importance in value added creation.

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How to Cite
Kozera, M. (2015). EFFECTIVENESS OF USE OF THE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN THE POLISH FARM BUSINESSES. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(2), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2015.102.2.16

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