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Paweł Felis

Keywords : agricultural taxation, agricultural tax, tax fiscal efficiency
The article is aimed at the analysis of agricultural tax efficiency in Poland in the years 2004-2013. Therefore, it focuses on the tax revenue as well as the cost tax volume and collection relate cost. The accomplishment of the aim required the determination of the idea of agricultural tax fiscal efficiency as well as the indication of its determinants. The discussion, due to the specific nature of agricultural tax, is based exclusively on the Polish literature. In order to verify the formulated hypothesis, the descriptive analysis method was applied, the literature research conducted and the Act on Agricultural Tax analysed. The content of the article indicates that the present Polish system is contrary to the current solutions in the majority of EU countries. It is being implemented on the basis of an outdated structure of property tax. And agricultural tax performs a limited income function. In this connection, its fiscal efficiency is low.

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How to Cite
Felis, P. (2015). EVALUATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL TAX FISCAL FUNCTION. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(2), 23–36. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2015.102.2.15

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