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Małgorzata Kołodziejczak

Keywords : volume and structure of agricultural production, gross value added, production factors, efficiency indexes
The aim of the paper was to assess the volume and changes in agricultural production, resources and outlays of production factors, as well as their efficiency in Poland and Germany in 2004-2012, i.e. after Poland’s accession to the EU. Among all the EU-15 countries, Germany is the closest neighbor of Poland and it is situated in comparable latitude. In addition, German agriculture has structure of production similar to the Polish one and trade with Germany is a large part of the Polish foreign trade. Therefore, it seems reasonable to know the extent and structure of the diversity appearing in this area between agriculture of Poland and Germany. On the basis of the conducted research it was proved that there were similarities in the agricultural production structure between Polish and German agriculture, and the level of effects and outlays in both countries was quite different. The efficiency of production factors is still unfavorable for Polish agriculture.

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How to Cite
Kołodziejczak, M. (2014). EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION FACTORS IN AGRICULTURE OF POLAND AND GERMANY IN 2004-2012. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(2), 70–79. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2014.101.2.20

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