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Aneta Mikuła

Keywords : public goods, agriculture, rural development policy
The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of public goods as it applies to agriculture in Poland. The papers provides an overview of the way in which Poland have planned to use relevant Rural Development Programme (RDPs) measures to secure the delivery of a range of environmental and social public goods associated with agriculture for the programming period 2007-2013. However, the extent to which these measures are used to their full potential to secure the delivery of public goods in practice depends on a number of factors. Administrative and technical capacity within administration, extension services, research bodies and paying agencies, along with the provision of well considered advice and training for farmers also has a significant effect on the degree to which RDP deliver public goods outcomes. The analysis showed that measures with a direct focus on the provision of public goods account for over 40 per cent of total RDP budget in Poland and almost 30 per cent allocated to measures partial focused on delivering the public goods under analysis.

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How to Cite
Mikuła, A. (2014). FINANCING PROVISION OF PUBLIC GOODS THROUGH AGRICULTURE IN POLAND. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(1), 101–118.

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