Social responsibility of food companies in Slovakia – a selected tool of sustainability

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Renata Prokeinová
Johana Paluchová

Keywords : social responsibility, sustainability, Cronbach Alfa Coefficient, green marketing, environmental marketing
Many environmental strategies relying on a mere improvement of resource productivity and eco-efficiency of processes and products are fully to address the environmental impacts induced by increasing consumption. In addition to these strategies, the concept of sustainable consumption calls for changing the levels and patterns of consumption, which require complimentary approaches. Consumer’s don´t realize the consequences of their own consumer behavior to the environment. The aim of the paper is analyze the selected tools of the sustainable environmental marketing that extends the traditional marketing approach of social responsibility. Globalization and sustainable development contributes to discussions about business in society and their roles. It is clear that the business community can have a positive impact on the achievement of the objectives of both concepts.

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How to Cite
Prokeinová, R., & Paluchová, J. (2012). Social responsibility of food companies in Slovakia – a selected tool of sustainability. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(3), 41–50.

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