The synthesis of system-analyses in the development of rural areas

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József Káposzta
Pál Goda
Adrienn Nagy
Henrietta Nagy

Keywords : system theory, regional and rural development, synthesis of system analyses, spider web theory
We often face the question how a development strategy can be maintained. What sustainability means and is there a general approach which is able to describe these condition systems in any region or community of a country. Each area has different physical and mental characteristics and one certain development concept may be applied in one country but the same concept causes damages to the other (and it can be true even for the different regions and communities of one country). Our paper outlines general guidelines that are suitable for describing complex problems. The development of rural areas can be defined as an interdisciplinary field of science synthetizing more scientific fields and built from different approaches due to its complexity. These approaches often have system theory roots and their overall review is required very much.

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How to Cite
Káposzta, J., Goda, P., Nagy, A., & Nagy, H. (2012). The synthesis of system-analyses in the development of rural areas. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(3), 21–26.

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