HUmans, as factor of competitiveness

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Ildikó Akócsi
Tibor Csonka
Tamás Tóth

Keywords : knowledge economy, competitiveness, principal component analysis, regression analyses, path analysis
In our research we study the relationship and inherency of human resources and competitiveness in the regions of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. At present, „knowledge based economy”, „economy of knowledge” are more and more frequently used concepts which emphasize the importance of human capital in the process of the development of the society and the economy. The „Europe 2020” strategy, accepted in spring 2010, also focuses on „keeping economic power of the community determining 500 million people’s life in competition” [European Committee 2010]. One of the priorities in the strategy is intelligent growth, which means the establishment of a society based on knowledge and innovation. However, building up a knowledge based society is only possible with a healthy and educated population. Improvement of human resources is a definite factor of establishing regional development. The created added value can be higher, if the potential of human capital is higher as well. One of the main goals of our research is to organize indicators which define human development into principal components, to create clusters from the regions of the V4 countries according to the principal components, and to uncover the differences between the clusters. Furthermore, we aimed to explore the connection between the level of development and competitiveness – defined by the principal components - of the human resources of a region.

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How to Cite
Akócsi, I., Csonka, T., & Tóth, T. (2012). HUmans, as factor of competitiveness. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(3), 7–20.

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