Changes of individual farms income of the agricultural ground lease in Poland in the years 2005-2016

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Alicja Stolarska

Keywords : income, agricultural land, lease, changes
In last years, the prices of agricultural land in Poland have been rising, and the supply on the private market is decreasing. This favors the development of the lease phenomenon, which in many European countries is the basis for conducting agricultural activity. The purpose of the article was to characterize the income received by individual farms in Poland, from the lease of agriculture land and their changes in the years 2005-2016. The analysis was based of polls unitary empirical data, carried out annually by the Central Statistical Office, and supplemented by data of Institute of Agricultural Economics (IERiGŻ-PIB), Agricultural Property Agency (currently KOWR) and secondary studies of the Central Statistical Office. As a result of the research, it was found that revenues from private leases doubled in 2005-2016 and constitute an important component of revenues for families using them, but the respondents’ declarations show that they are small (on average 0.3% of individual farms). This is small farms, whose main source of income is wage labor, sometimes abroad, and managers are older than average. Often the family situation is unregulated (e.g. an elderly parent with an adult but has not yet decided his past), and a periodic land lease allows for a decision on the possible sale of the farm at a later time.

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How to Cite
Stolarska, A. (2018). Changes of individual farms income of the agricultural ground lease in Poland in the years 2005-2016. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(1), 92–100.

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