Technical efficiency of agricultural farms belonging to Agricultural Property Agency (APA) in 1994-2006

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Michał Świtłyk
Mirosław Helta

Keywords : organization of agricultural farms, effectiveness of agricultural farms, DEA method
The paper presents an analysis of the technical efficiency of agricultural farms belonging to Agricultural Property Agency. The DEA method was employed and it provided to the following conclusions: 1) The average values of technical efficiency indexes VRS for the entire sample oscillated from 0,407 (in 1999) to 0,820 (in 2006). Within tested groups technical efficiency indexes VRS were: plant breeding farms from 0,484 (in 1999) to 0,877 (in 2006), horticultural species breeding plant farms from 0,682 (in 1999) to 0,892 (in 2006), stallion herds from 0,446 (in 1999) to 0,971 (in 2002), pedigree livestock herds from 0,306 (in 1999) to 0,825 (in 2006) and stud farms from 0,426 (in 1996) to 0,825 (in 2006). 2) The calculated value of production gap (the excess of analyzed assets) has been reduced in the studied period. For material and energy cost consumption calculated production gaps were 73 468,5 thousands zloty in 1994, and 59042,6 thousands zloty in 2006, production gap for fixed asset was 149423,2 thousands zloty in 1994 and 225 897,2 thousands zloty in 2006, calculated production gaps for wage costs (with benefits) were 36 572,1 thousands zloty in 1994, and 33816,2 thousands zloty in 2006. Production gaps in the agricultural acreage were 88444,2 ha in 1994, and 43 703,4 ha in 2006.

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How to Cite
Świtłyk, M., & Helta, M. (2008). Technical efficiency of agricultural farms belonging to Agricultural Property Agency (APA) in 1994-2006. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(1), 142–149.

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