Cost of co-existence between gm and non-gm based supply chains of animal feeds produced from soybean meal in Poland

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Mariusz Maciejczak

Keywords : GMO, co-existence, costs of co-existence, soybean meal
At the time of dynamic growth of production based on genetically modified (GM) varieties of agricultural plants the issues of co-existence are becoming very important. The co-existence between GM and non-GM based agricultural supply chains is a key factor to ensure consumers a right to choose products coming from different production systems. However co-existence imposes also additional costs due to necessary measures undertaken in order to ensure segregation and integrity of products. The paper aims to identify the costs of co-existence in Polish animal feed supply chain, in which the soybean meal is used. The analysis conducted in 2006 for one processing plant are based on additional co-existence costs. model. The results show that the additional co-existence costs reached 35,85 Polish Zloty per metric ton and were put on non-GM products.

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How to Cite
Maciejczak, M. (2008). Cost of co-existence between gm and non-gm based supply chains of animal feeds produced from soybean meal in Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(2), 147–156.

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