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Adam Szewczuk
Ewelina Gudarowska
Ireneusz Sosna
Tomasz Szuk

Keywords : strawberry, yielding, prices, revenues
The aim of this study was to compare the production of seven strawberry cultivars at different ripening periods. This was conducted on the background of changing prices and finding the best cultivars in the natural and economic conditions of Lower Silesia. The experiment was conducted in 2011-2013, at the Research Station in Samotwór. Seven strawberry cultivars were divided into three groups based on ripening periods: early (Flair, Rumba , Honeoye), middle (Polka, Sonata) and late cultivars (Salsa, Florence). A comparison of the different cultivars in terms of their value of production was carried out at three price levels for fruit: the minimum, average and maximum price for each harvest date. The highest yield was observed in the following cultivars: Polka and Salsa, and the lowest for Rumba and Flair. Production value was determined to the greatest extent by the level of the obtained yield. However, the distribution of the harvest was not optimal in relation to price distribution. The Salsa and Polka cultivars should be recommended for cultivation in the natural and economic conditions of Lower Silesia as they showed the highest yields and values of income.

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How to Cite
Szewczuk, A., Gudarowska, E., Sosna, I., & Szuk, T. (2014). A COMPARISON OF SEVERAL STRAWBERRY CULTIVARS IN TERMS OF YIELD AND PRODUCTION VALUES OBTAINED IN 2011-2013, IN LOWER SILESIA. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(3), 188–196. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2014.101.3.46

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