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Denise Dostatny

Keywords : small farms, diversity, weeds, preservation, agroecosystems
Biodiversity is formed, among other things, by the extensive use of arable land and therefore Poland has one of the most species abundant agricultural landscapes in Europe. Small ecological farms, especially in southern and south-eastern Poland, still host rare plant species named in the red lists of many European states. The diversity of animal and plant species in these areas is significantly higher than in the remaining parts of Poland. Consequently, the balance of agroecosystems is far more stable. The presence of rare plant species in the fields does not mean lower yields but contributes to maintaining the considerable diversity of insects and birds. Preserving the mosaic structure of crop fields and the traditional rural landscape is only possible on small farms and hence the importance of their continued existence.

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How to Cite
Dostatny, D. (2013). THE FUNCTION OF SMALL FARMS IN SUPPORTING BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL ECOSYSTEMS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(4), 34–42.

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