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Aleksander Grzelak

Keywords : farm, business situation, farm income
The main aim of the paper is to evaluate economic situation of farms (in view of economic size) in terms of change of economic business in Poland between 2007 and 2009. For this study one used tests of economic business produced by the Institute for Economic Development SGH in Warsaw and agricultural data of the FADN accounting system. One has stated that there are significant differences in range of the response of farms to changes in economic situation. The largest farms (above 100 ESU), more strongly suffer from downturn. Their adaptation consists in maintaining the level of agricultural production. The smallest farms more flexibly adapt to economic business change, but it is in terms of low income and investments that do not cover depreciation. While farms from the group 16-100 ESU are in a relatively lesser extent affected by the economic downturn. The situation in agriculture is highly synchronized with the general economic business. Their changes in agriculture are manifested mainly in the agricultural products price fluctuations.

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How to Cite
Grzelak, A. (2013). ECONOMIC SITUATION OF FARMS IN TERMS OF CHANGE ECONOMIC BUSINESS IN POLAND (2007-2009). Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(1), 78–88.

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