The importance of Agricultural Policy In The Development Of Farmland Market In Poland

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Jacek Maśniak

Keywords : land management, agricultural land market, privatization, nationalization
This article presents the importance of state policy in the agricultural land market in Poland, with particular emphasis on measures such as nationalization and privatization of land. These activities are presented against the background of the agricultural land market in Poland. The policy on the agricultural system of the state affects the disposal of land between the private and public sectors. The flow of land to the farms with the status of family farms is supported, which limits the development of other economic units. This is contrary to economic rationality, as a result of such modeling is blocking the flow of agricultural land to those farms which show the greatest ability to satisfy consumer needs.

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How to Cite
Maśniak, J. (2011). The importance of Agricultural Policy In The Development Of Farmland Market In Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(3), 108–117.

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