The role of Agricultural Property Agency in formation and enlargement of agricultural farms

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Tomasz Nawrocki
Bogdan Podgórski

Keywords : sale of arable land, lease of land, structure of agricultural farms, functions and tasks of APA
This paper presents the analysis of Agricultural Property Agency’s (APAs) activity, conditions and factors which determine it and its impact on the improvement on the spatial structure of agricultural farms in Poland. It is estimated that agricultural farms extended their areas by 1.7 million ha due to the conclusions of more than 320 thousand sale and lease contracts, which gives c.a. 5.2 ha per one contract on average. As of the end of December 2008 the purchasers and leases of the large (exceeding 100 ha) arranged properties of the Stock used 1.9 million ha of land on the basis of 5.2 thousand contracts, which gives 363 ha per one contract on average. Changes in agrarian structure depend on many factors, not only on the supply of APA Stock land but on general situation in agriculture.

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How to Cite
Nawrocki, T., & Podgórski, B. (2009). The role of Agricultural Property Agency in formation and enlargement of agricultural farms. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 67–76.

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